Tuesday, 7 February 2017

The gruhapravesam day

With HIS blessings the gruhapravesam went well.
some pictures of the event.

 Go puja

all ready!

plaque in the first floor

patashaalaa vidyarthis did their  bit...

milk boiling as the first cooking

the elevation...

honoring the engineer who built it without his margin!

a relief like finishing the last exam of the year!

Saturday, 4 February 2017


Of course! It is now official. This is a reminder.
The Gruhapravesam is on 6th february – that is the coming Monday. Just a reminder!

The work is almost over and they are giving the finishing touches.

all are welcome!

Thursday, 12 January 2017


mmmm... Now it is official. The gruhapravesam is set for 6th february.

Welcoming all!

Friday, 6 January 2017

carpentry, flooring...

It has been a little difficult to post pictures as most of the work moved inside the building.
flooring is going on and painting is to take off from the primer level.

pssst... tell you a secret. the gruha pravesam is fixed for sixth february! invitation being prepared.